Orphanet leds av ett europeiskt konsortium bestående av 38 länder med koordination från Frankrike.

Nationella team ansvarar för insamling av data om specialistkliniker, medicinska laboratorier, pågående forskning samt patientorganisationer i deras respektive land.
Det franska koordinerande teamet ansvarar för Orphanets infrastruktur, förvaltningsverktyg, kvalitetskontroll, diagnosförteckning, klassificering och produktion av encyklopedin.

Orphanet styrs av olika kommittéer, vilka oberoende övervakar projektet för att tillse dess samstämmighet, utveckling och hållbarhet.

På europeisk nivå:

Styrgruppen består av representanter från de myndigheter och organ som finansierar Orphanets infrastruktur och koordination. Ledningsgruppen består av de nationella koordinatorerna och dess ordförande är chefen för Inserm-Orphanet. Redaktionsrådet består av över 100 internationella experter.

På nationell nivå:

De 38 länderna som deltar i Orphanet har var sitt vetenskapliga råd som består av nationella experter från de flesta medicinska specialiteter med erfarenheter från arbete med ovanliga diagnoser. Rådsmedlemmarna konsulteras vid behov för att validera kvalitén av den insamlade informationen samt hjälpa till att identifiera experter inom respektive specialitet.


Infrastrukturen och koordinationen finansieras i huvudsak av Inserm (det franska nationella institutet för hälsa och medicinsk forskning), det franska direktoratet för hälsa samt av EU-kommissionen (20091215).

Orphanets nationella aktiviteter finansieras av institutioner i de deltagande medlemsländerna och/eller särskilda kontrakt. Karolinska Institutet har tagit på sig rollen som nationell samordnare för Orphanet i Sverige.

Terms of use of the Orphanet website

General information

http://www.orpha.net is a publication of INSERM US14 (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale), 96, rue Didot, 75014 Paris, France.

Editor in Chief of the publication: Odile Kremp, Director of Service N° 14, INSERM.

Web design: INSERM US14

Internet hosting: INSERM - Information Systems Department


The website is governed by French law. Users outside of French territory must categorically accept the enforcement of French laws when visiting the website and using any of the website’s functions.

To the best of its ability, INSERM US14 aims to ensure the accuracy and the regular update of information at the moment of publication on the website.

However, INSERM US14 cannot wholly guarantee the accuracy, precision nor the exhaustively of the information available on the website. The information available on the website is non-contractual, and can be changed at any time.

Information provided by Orphanet is not intended to replace professional health care. Only medical professionals are authorised to give medical advice.

The information provided in Orphanet’s encyclopaedia is based on published scientific articles. Disease profiles are expert-authored and peer-reviewed texts. These general texts may not apply to specific cases, due to the extensive variability of disease expression. Some information may appear shocking. It is of the utmost importance to check if the provided information is relevant or not to a specific case.

Information in Orphanet is updated on a regular basis. It may happen that new discoveries are made in between updates and do not yet appear in the disease profile. The date of the last update is always indicated. Professionals are encouraged to always consult the most recent publications before making any decisions based on the information provided.

Orphanet cannot be held responsible for harmful, truncated or erroneous use of any information found in the Orphanet database.

Not all rare diseases are indexed by their clinical signs in Orphanet at the moment. As Orphanet only covers rare diseases, this function cannot be used to make a differential diagnosis with common diseases, which should be considered first when making a diagnosis. The clinician using the information provided in Orphanet is solely responsible for the diagnosis made.

The classifications are produced using scientific publications and/or expert opinion. The classifications are updated on a regular basis, and new classifications are added when available. Orphanet cannot guarantee the exhaustivity of these classifications.

Information concerning expert resources is collected on a national level in participating countries. The database cannot be considered to be exhaustive. If an expert centre, an expert laboratory, a professional, a research project, a clinical trial, a registry, a patient organisation or an institution is not listed for a certain region or country, this could be because Orphanet has not yet identified this information, or because the person in charge has refused to be listed in Orphanet or has not sent back the form they received to fill in. It is also possible that no expert centre, expert laboratory, professional, research project, clinical trial, registry, patient organisation or institution exists for the zone or the disease in question. Not all rare diseases have specialised resources at the present time.

In no circumstance should the listed expert centres be considered to be the only centres suitable for diagnosis and treatment. These centres are intended to provide an expert opinion when needed.

In no circumstance should the listed expert centres be considered to be the only centres suitable for diagnosis and treatment. These centres are intended to provide an expert opinion when needed.

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Use of the site is limited to personal use only. Orphanet data are available to download at orphadata.org.

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Intellectual Property

The INSERM holds all intellectual property rights concerning the structure of the database, the format of the website, the logo and copyright, as well as the data and information on the site (content, texts, classifications, nomenclatures, and press statements). No element or part of the site (including, but not limited to, the database and the information contained within) can be copied, translated, reproduced, exploited, published, electronically stocked or redistributed for commercial use without prior written consent.

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The appropriate form when quoting Orphanet is:

Orphanet: an online rare disease and orphan drug data base. Copyright, INSERM 1997. Available on http://www.orpha.net. Accessed (date accessed).

The appropriate form when quoting an Orphanet text is: Author(s). “Name of disease”. Orphanet Encyclopaedia, Month, year, URL address.

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In accordance with the law N° 78-17, “Informatique et Libertés” (“Information Technology and Freedoms”) of 6th January 1978, personal data collected by Orphanet on the website is declared to the CNIL, and recorded in dossier N° 756532. In accordance with the law N° 78-17, “Informatique et Libertés” (“Information Technology and Freedoms”) of 6th January 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify, oppose or delete any data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting us using our contact form, or by writing to: Orphanet US 14, 96 rue Didot, 75014 Paris, France. We will check your identity before we make the requested changes.


The website contains links to other partner or third-party websites. These sites are expert validated before online publication. However, INSERM US14 has no way of checking these sites daily, and cannot offer any guarantee concerning these sites in respect to the current laws and rules in vigour.


INSERM US14 reserves the right to change, without forewarning, the present terms of use of the website www.orpha.net

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Illegal Data

In conformity with the ’Loi pour pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique’ (’Law for confidence in the digital economy) of 21st June 2009, the Orphanet portal website allows any individual or visitor to signal any content likely to constitute the infractions mentioned in the 5th and 8th paragraph of article 24 of the law of 29th July 1881 concerning the liberty of the press and articles 227-23 and 227-24 of the Penal Code. In order to signal such content, please contact us using the contact form, giving the URL of the content you deem to be illegal.


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